Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What's happening at ACSS?
I went to Mrs. Malory's cooking class for grade 11 and 12, during B-block and D-block. In both of the classes they were helping the teacher make tempura. So they could all sample the yummy dish. 
Most of the students in D-block were asked to cut up a variety of vegetables to deep-fry. 

A hand model holds a buttercup squash
                         A kitchen unit posing for the camera. 
Student Deanna chops up some broccoli and sweet potato.
One student makes the dipping sauce for the tempura.
All students have to wear a apron when cooking and when they are finished they go in the dirty laundry bin.
  Mrs. Malory asked a student who was attending ACSS, from Japan to help prepare the batter and some more vegetables.
After the vegges are chopped and brought up to the demonstration table, Mrs. Malory begins to cover the vegetables in batter. Than proceed to put them in the oil.
Once finished the first batch of vegetables, students are allowed to sample them while she deep-fry the rest.
the finished product.
During B-block most of the vegges from D-block were unused, so students didn't need to chop vegetables.
 Sarah and Taylor excitedly waiting to try some tempura. 
After Mrs. Malory finished the demonstration and everyone had there fill of tempura. She asked everyone to help clean some cutting broads and than put them away. 
Once they were done the bell had rung marking the end of class. 



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